A pure C++ implementation of Pure Data objects
CPdMaster::_sampleint_union | |
Cstk::AifHeader | |
Cstk::AifSsnd | |
CBuffer | Input and output struct for PdAlgorithm |
CcomplexOutput | A struct returned by complex filters |
▼CFFT | An FFT superclass. Adapted from the Pd version of FFT |
Cpd::complexFFT | Complex Fast Fourier Transform |
Cpd::complexIFFT | Complex Inverse Fast Fourier Transform |
Cpd::realFFT | Real Fast Fourier Transform |
Cpd::realIFFT | Real Inverse Fast Fourier Transform |
CFileRead | STK audio file input class |
CFileWrite | STK audio file output class |
CFileWvIn | STK audio file input class |
Cstk::MatHeader | |
CPaDeviceInfo | |
CPaHostApiInfo | |
CPaHostErrorInfo | |
CPaStreamCallbackTimeInfo | |
CPaStreamInfo | |
CPaStreamParameters | |
▼CPdMaster | A super class inherited by all Pd++ objects |
CpaRender | A portaudio wrapper class, based on portaudio's example |
Cpd::BandPass | Band pass filter |
Cpd::BiQuad | A two-pole, two-zero filter |
Cpd::complexFFT | Complex Fast Fourier Transform |
Cpd::complexIFFT | Complex Inverse Fast Fourier Transform |
Cpd::Cosine | A cosine waveshaper |
Cpd::Delay | A basic delay line |
Cpd::Envelope | A simple envelope follower with Hanning window. Use setWindowSize() and setPeriod() the window size and period. The period should be a multipe of the window size |
Cpd::HighPass | One-pole high pass filter |
Cpd::Line | A ramp generator |
Cpd::LowPass | A one-pole low pass filter |
Cpd::Noise | A noise~ generator |
Cpd::Oscillator | A sinewave oscillator |
Cpd::Phasor | A sawtooth generator |
▼Cpd::RawFilter | An abstract class for all of Pd's raw filters |
Cpd::ComplexPole | Raw complex one pole filter |
Cpd::ComplexZero | Raw complex one zero filter |
Cpd::ComplexZeroReverse | Raw complex reverse one zero filter |
Cpd::RealPole | Raw real one pole filter |
Cpd::RealZero | Raw real one zero filter |
Cpd::RealZeroReverse | Raw real reverse one zero filter |
Cpd::realFFT | Real Fast Fourier Transform |
Cpd::realIFFT | Real Inverse Fast Fourier Transform |
Cpd::SampleHold | Sample and Hold a number until the control input decreases in value |
Cpd::SoundFiler | Reads and writes sound files |
Cpd::TabRead4 | A 4-point table lookup routine |
Cpd::VariableDelay | Reads from a table at a variable delay rate |
Cpd::VoltageControlFilter | Voltage-controlled filter |
CPdAlgorithm | This class is where you put all your audio routines, etc |
Crwe::CosineWave | A cosine wave generator |
Crwe::Metro | A simple metronome that accepts milliseconds and beats per minute |
Crwe::myLine | Generates a ramp over a specified time |
Crwe::Sawtooth | A sawtooth wave generator |
Crwe::SineWave | A sine wave generator |
Crwe::SSB | Single Sideband Modulation |
Crwe::Timer | A simple timer that outputs milliseconds |
Crwe::WhiteNoise | A white noise generator |
Cstk::SndHeader | |
▼Cstk::Stk | STK base class |
Cpd::SoundFiler | Reads and writes sound files |
Cstk::FileRead | STK audio file input class |
Cstk::FileWrite | STK audio file output class |
▼Cstk::WvIn | STK audio input abstract base class |
Cstk::FileWvIn | STK audio file input class |
CStk | STK base class |
Cstk::StkError | STK error handling class |
Cstk::StkFrames | An STK class to handle vectorized audio data |
CPdMaster::tabfudge | |
Cpd::tableData | A struct that holds the four interpolation points for TabRead4 |
Cpd::vcfOutput | A struct returned by VoltageControlFilter |
Cstk::WaveHeader |