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STK audio file input class. More...
STK audio file input class.
This class provides input support for various audio file formats. Multi-channel (>2) soundfiles are supported. The file data is returned via an external StkFrames object passed to the read() function. This class does not store its own copy of the file data, rather the data is read directly from disk.
FileRead currently supports uncompressed WAV, AIFF/AIFC, SND (AU), MAT-file (Matlab), and STK RAW file formats. Signed integer (8-, 16-, 24- and 32-bit) and floating-point (32- and 64-bit) data types are supported. Compressed data types are not supported.
STK RAW files have no header and are assumed to contain a monophonic stream of 16-bit signed integers in big-endian byte order at a sample rate of 22050 Hz. MAT-file data should be saved in an array with each data channel filling a matrix row. The sample rate for MAT-files should be specified in a variable named "fs". If no such variable is found, the sample rate is assumed to be 44100 Hz.
by Perry R. Cook and Gary P. Scavone, 1995 - 2007.